Team sport settings provide opportunities for young people to develop life skills. They teach cooperation, teamwork, and personal growth. Moreover, sports are a form of exercise that helps alleviate anxiety and depression.
In the United States, approximately 47 million youth participate in sport. Among these participants, team sports are the most popular activity.
Most high school students preferred team sports over other activities. They were also more satisfied with their lives after participating in team sports.
A study surveyed 331 athletes from 38 teams. These teams represented a wide variety of sports. Some of the most representative sports included basketball, soccer, and volleyball. The least represented were netball and rugby union.
While team sports provide a great deal of enjoyment, they can also expose athletes to risky social behavior. Players are exposed to peer pressure, aggressive acts, and other risks that they cannot avoid.
Unlike other groups, sport teams have clear standards of effort and performance. Successful teams appreciate the value of collective effort and celebration. Members recognize their responsibilities during practice and competition, and commit to these norms.
Teams are also more adept at playing on their home field, rather than traveling to an unfamiliar locale. As a result, they have greater familiarity with idiosyncrasies on their home field and the challenges that they will face on a game day.
Although the results may not represent the whole of Australia, they illustrate that youth athletes prefer team sports over other activities. This is likely because they feel more connected to other members of their team.